An Overview

Company Registration in Japan is a straightforward process. There are lot of benefits which attract several investors. The country is thriving with different opportunities for foreign companies to operate their business. Technology and infrastructural development has earned Japan its place in the global market. The government also provides incentives for foreign companies to establish their business.

Japan has large cities such as Tokyo and Yokohama which are major trading hubs and international financial centres. Japan is the eight largest seaport in the world. Hence commercial shipping industry is also booming in the country.

When it comes to business establishment and development, there are different free trade zones to cater to the needs of local as well as international businesses. These free trade zones are Tokyo, Nagasaki and Niigata. Infrastructural facilities along with modernised developments are offered in Japan. All these reasons make it beneficial for an investor to go for the process of company formation in Japan.

Benefits of Company in Japan

There are different benefits by carrying out company registration in Japan. The following are the benefits:

Infrastructural Facilities

Japan offers robust infrastructural facilities for companies and different industries. Major global companies such as Sony and Toyota have carried out business and diversified their presence throughout the world. Companies can easily operate in Japan as there is excellent infrastructure.

Developed Hub in the World

Japan is ranked second in Asia for the GDP. It is ranked third in the world for the largest GDP. Major boost caused by infrastructural facilities provides all the benefits for companies to thrive. Due to this, there is a steady growth of the GDP.

Major Trading Hub

Japan is a major trading hub in the world. This would be in the areas related to fisheries. Commercial airline and shipping industries are also booming in the country. Japan is ranked as the eight largest seaport in the world.

Absence of Double Taxation

Japan has entered into different forms of double taxation agreements with other countries. More than 90 such agreements are present with other countries. Hence if any form of investment from Japan has to be repatriated back to the home country, then these double taxation treaties would be an effective shield for not being taxed twice. This would directly minimise the amount of withholding tax.

Regulatory Environment

Japan has one of the strongest regulatory environments. Hence there are different investors going for company formation in Japan. Japan is signatory to international conventions on protection of different forms of intellectual property rights.

Due to the above benefits entrepreneurs and investors go for the process of company formation in Japan.

Documents required

  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Affidavit from the parent company regarding the existence of the company
  • Information on the shareholders of the company
  • Information on the directors of the company
  • Signatures of representatives of the parent company
  • Information on the registered office of the business
  • Information on appointment of executive members (Godo Kaisha).
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